Wednesday 23 December 2009


'What does it mean to be a pastor? If no one asked me to do anything, what would I do?
Three things.
I can be a pastor who prays. I want to cultivate my relationship with God. I want all of life to be intimate - sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously - with the God who made, directs, and loves me. And I want to waken others to the nature and centrality of prayer. I want to be the person in this community to whom others can come without hesitation, without wondering if it is appropriate, to get direction in prayer and praying...
I can be a pastor who preaches. I want to speak the Word of God that is Scripture in the language and rhythms of the people I live with. I am given an honored and protected time each week to do that. The pulpit is a great gift, and I want to use it well...
I can be a pastor who listens. A lot of people approach me through the week to tell me what's going on in their lives. I want to have the energy and time to really listen to them so that when they're through, they know at least one other person has some inkling of what they're feeling and thinking...'
Eugene H Peterson, The Contemplative Pastor, p.19-21.