Monday 9 August 2010


'It is the truth that frees (John 8:32). There are sensations of unbounded independence that are not true freedom because they deny truth and are destined for calamity. For example, two women may jump from an airplane and experience the thrilling freedom of free-falling. But there is a difference: one is encumbered by a parachute on her back and the other is free from this burden. Which person is most free? The one without the parachute feels free - even feer, since she does not feel the constrainits of the parachute straps. But she is not truly free. She is in bondage to the force of gravity and to the deception that all is well because she feels unencumbered. This false sense of freedom is in fact bondage to calamity which is sure to happen after a fleeting moment of pleasure.
That is the way many women (and men) today think of freedom. They judge it on the basis of immediate sensations of unrestricted license or independence. But true freedom takes God's reality and God's purpose for creation into account and seeks to fit smoothly into God's good design.'
John Piper, What's the Difference? p.52.