Tuesday 3 July 2012


'Human sexuality reveals our incompleteness and provides the drive toward completeness, but this is a drive that finds expression in innumerable human activities. "The mystery of our sexuality is the mystery of our need to reach out to embrace others both physically and spiritually. Sexuality thus expresses God's intention that we find our authentic humanness in relationship." Indeed, although this drive toward bonding in community has its ground in human sexuality, its ultimate human expression resides in the bonding found in the eschatalogical coming together of the people of God. This is the end toward which human sexuality is findamentally orientated, and it is here that human community in its truest form will be fully realized. Rather than denying the essetial importance of human sexuality is the eschaton, then, this approach affirms that "the eschatalogical community is a realm in which sexuality - that is, the dynamic of finding one's personal incompleteness fulfilled through relationality - not only remains operative but operates on the highest level."' 
Marc Cortez, Theological Anthropology, p.66.