Tuesday 7 February 2017


'...it is vital to say...how very bodily that love is which the Song proposes as analogy for love between God and his people. Much of the West's tradition, in this stemming from Hellenism rather than from Scripture, has supposed that our loves for another would be "purified" or "ennobled" or otherwise improved by disembodiment. The Song does not agree. 
We will have to say again and again as we move through the Song: it is precisely our embracing sexually differentiated bodies whose union is sanctified by its likeness to God's own love. The heart is indeed the set of love, but it those hands and their placement - and the lips, and the paired organs of pleasure and procreation, and the tongues and...- which are the heart's actuality, at least for the Song.' 
Robert W Jenson, Song of Songs, p.33.