Wednesday 19 June 2024


'Here, then, is the central parable for our Making journey:
Imagine a father taking his child to the beach. The father watches his child make a sandcastle, which will be washed away by the high tide.
But the father happens to be an architect. Imagine that this father loves his child so much and is astonished at the design of the castle that is child has made.
Several years later, the child looks in amazement as the father creates a real castle that is based on the the sandcastle that the child created.
This may be close to what the New Creation will be like. God desires in God's heart to be with the child as the child plays on this side of eternity. God chooses, out of God's gratuitous heart, to co-create into the New World. There is no particular need for the architect father to create an actual building, but the father re-creates in love, and he has the power to do so. The New Creation is filled with such attentive, self-giving outworking of God's love toward us.'
Makoto Fujimara, Art and Faith, p.35.