Monday 4 January 2010


'It is a sign of God's great desire to relate to different people from every human background and culture that he uses such a rich variety of literary forms and styles in the Scriptures. What we don't like, someone else will like, and what we find hard to read, others will read easily and naturally. We should rejoice in the varied literary forms of the Scriptures...
...God has given us many different ways of helping people come to faith in Christ, including the gospel of Romans, the search for wisdom in Proverbs or Ecclesiastes, the stories of the Gospels, the warnings of the prophets, and the powerful visions of the book of Revelation (along with many others). We should use all of these in turn if we want to help all kinds of people come to Christ. God would not have given us so many ways if they were not necessary. The danger of using one way is that we will win only one kind of person. Ring the changes!'
Peter Adam, Written for Us, p.63.