Saturday 27 February 2021


'The Bible is filled with promises of "blessedness." The Hebrew word means far more then mere happiness. It means multidimensional flourishing. In Genesis 3 we see that sin puts us in a condition where we are in contradiction with God, our true selves, other human beings, and even nature itself. We are out of alignment with the creation order in all its dimensions, and so our normal human state consists of spiritual emptiness, inner anxiety and crises of identity, conflicts between nations, classes, and races, and the destruction of our natural environment.
To be blessed, then, is to know partial but substantial healing of each of these areas as God's salvation repairs our hearts and out behavior. Spiritually we reconcile with and grow closer to God. Psychologically we come to understand ourselves and find our feelings and actions coming more more under the Spirit's control. Relationally we discover the added depth and dimension that common faith can add to human friendship. Socially we find ways to serve neighbors and the broader civic community, no longer captive to political ideologies. Salvation is not merely forgiveness and admission to heaven. It means life is healed, slowly but surely, in all its dimensions.'
Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller, The Way of Wisdom, p.58.