Thursday 7 July 2011


'...the context for pastoral care and discipleship is everyday life. Community takes place as we do the chores, watch TV, got to work, eat meals and do a dozen other things. It is about asking someone about their walk with the Lord while you do the dishes together, sharing a car ride to the shops and talking about how the Spirit has spoken to you through God's Word. It is about having people in your home and them seeing how you parent your children. It is about walking the dog together and discovering a pastoral need as you chat. It is about pausing in the supermarket to pray when you learn of a need. It is about having people live with you in your home.
Of course this does not mean anything as crass as saying, "Come over and watch us parent our children." Rather, as you share your life, people will see Christian living modelled - or alternatively see Christian grace modelled when you fail to live as you should! We have a generation of young people from dysfunctional homes who need to experience Christain families in action before they themselves become husbands, wives and parents.'
Tim Chester and Steve Timmis, Everday Church, p.75.